For this army, I've decided to go with my standard cork and sand basing scheme. I haven't quite decided on the basing colors yet, but probably a dirty brown. I don't want too much contrast with the red models.
Karanak was super easy to assemble. My local store reopened for business a few days ago (screw you Covid-19!!!), so I was able to pick up some Bob Smith Industries (BSI) Plastic Glue and Super Glue. The stuff is amazing. Can recommend. I'm trying to be a little smarter where it comes to hobby expenditures (given that need to re-buy basically everything I owned), so I'm using an inexpensive primer from Home Depot...
Stuff works surprisingly well. It reminds me a lot of the standard Games Workshop black primer, but at only $4 per can. I think I'll be using this from now on. A nice bonus is that they have the same flat spray in several dozen different colors. Some are gloss, which I'll stay away from, but I think others might help for a nice colored primer when needed.
Anyways... Karanak is based and primed and ready to paint.
More details to come!!!