I totally have Hobby ADD.
I just can't decide on what I want to work on. I think this comes down to my loving Warhammer 40k. I love the fluff. I love the models. I love the game.
But I don't like the play style of all the different armies. I'm a Tau player.
When GW announced that they'd be going to a weekly release schedule, I rejoiced. I thought to myself, "Self, this is awesome. They'll start releasing random things for different armies. I won't have to wait another seven years for a new Tau model."
They never REALLY went to a weekly release schedule. All they did was stick more or less to one army release per month with the actual new products doled out over a 2-5 week period of time. Sure, that allows for more releases in a year, but it give me no indication that I'll see a new Tau model between now and half a decade from now.
I would even be happy with some more Formations. Orks and Tyranids both have 15. Tau have 1. It's a nice one, but it's points heavy, so if you take it, that's a defining chunk of your army list.
7th Edition introduced a new psychic phase. Oh, maybe I can at least add something new to my army - some new capabilities. Nope. Tau Empire has no psykers. One of the biggest changes to the edition and I can't participate even a little. How hard would it have been to add "Psychic Emulation Tech" operated by an Earth Caste Engineer? Make it a dual kit - psyker emulation and techmarine equivalent. I mean, these ideas aren't exactly hard to come up with. I understand that design doesn't happen overnight, but there are only so many armies. Each one should get something (new model, new rules, new formations/dataslates) at least once every so many months. Every week, White Dwarf should have a formation for 40k AND Fantasy that isn't for the Flavor of the Week.
What I'm getting at is that GW is extremely inconsistent. I'm primarily a Tau player. I want to give them money for more Tau stuff, but there are only so many Crisis suits you can buy. I'm honestly not expecting to see another plastic Tau kit until after 2020, assuming GW is still around.
I'm REALLY, REALLY hoping whoever they hire for the new CEO decides to make some changes to how things operate. Start listening to what people want. Mix up your product releases. Release fewer things, more often and for different armies. I'm not an Orks player. I don't want 5 consecutive release periods of Ork products.