I decided that I wanted something a little different for my Inquisitor's Henchmen Squad. I decided that this Inquisitor would go with abhuman henchmen for whatever reason. I'm starting out with Beastmen and might end up adding some Squats/Ratlings to be shooters.
Here are a couple of quick photos.
The ones with two hand weapons will be Death Cult Assassins and the ones with shields are Crusaders. The standard bearer guy is a Ministorum Preacher. I added Ravenwing Shoulderpads that will all be the same Red and Ivory as the Inquisitor's robes. I happened to have a ton of these shoulderpads laying around, so I decided these Beastmen could be from a "Winged Blade" tribe or something. I also added a bunch of little pouches and grenades, etc. to make them look a little more grimdark.
Group Shot |
Group Shot Showing Shoulderpads |
The Lead Crusader |
For Color Comparison |
The Four Crusaders - The Skull Pad is the Crusaders' Leader |