My buddy talked me into learning Star Wars Armada. It's really a ton of fun. The only current issue with the game is that I don't have more people to play with. I'm planning on playing the Imperial Navy side of things and will most likely do a little bit of painting to make my force my own... not much. Maybe a little red here and there.
I'm also STILL waiting on the Tyranids I ordered from eBay. I'm not super happy that it's taking this long, but such is life. I can't really progress with my escalation army until I get the models that are on order.
Lastly, and in a moment of weakness, I bought a copy of the new Tau Empire Getting Started box. It's really an amazing deal. You get a unit of Strikers, a unit of Crisis Suits and an Ethereal on Hover Drone. The Crisis Suits alone are $75. The kit altogether is $85. I should have some pictures up soon of these things. My phone is acting up and isn't copying photos to my Dropbox account.