I had painted one of the Killa Kans to about half completion way back many moons ago. I wanted to knock these out and get them on the display shelf, so I spent an evening finishing them. Here's the progression. I really like how the ghetto OSL glow worked out.
First step is to do a light dry brush of Xereus Purple over more or less the entire model and then fill in a couple of armor panels with the same color.
I then dry brushed Leadbelcher onto the bits that I wanted to be silver.
Genestealer Purple gave me a quick and dirty line highlight on the areas I'd previously based completed in Xereus Purple.
I used Zandri Dust to paint on some zags and checks. I also painted the tusks, but forgot to take a pic.
The eye and a couple of other wires and electrical bits got painted with Blazing Orange.
Standard basing... Rhinox Hide heavy dry brush followed by...
...Steel Legion Drab dry brush and a light dry brush of Flayed One Flesh. That pic has somehow disappeared.
Afterwards, I based the rim with Steel Legion Drab.
Moot Green was dry brushed onto the underside of the model and onto areas of the base. I put it where I thought you'd see a reflection from the glowing slime I'm about to show you.
This stuff is magic. Buy it from your local arts and crafts store.
Put on a lot of green, some yellow and a little white. Use a toothpick to swirl it a little and pop whatever bubbles show up.
Lastly, I added some Mordheim Turf. I'm really happy with this stuff.
And here's the crew.
I really think the reflecting glow turned out well.
The little dudes take after their big brother.
Now I just need a couple more Deff Dredds and a proper Mek in a Junka and this detachment is in business.