Today, the skies opened up and drowned the world in rain. This means that I wasn't able to do any much needed priming. I did get the basing done. My plan is to drybrush the cork with greens and blues and then paint the rocks grey. I'll then gloss over the cork to hopefully make it look like swampy sort of look. I'm not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a shot.
I particularly like the posing on the Warlock. He really looks like standing on the high ground and flailing his whips around.
I should have more Skorne models showing up from eBay at some point either today or tomorrow. I found the old Mk2 Starter, a set of tokens and one of the three option Titan kits for $40. I'll be using them to expand this army pretty quickly. I really want to use two Titans.