I'm seriously considering running Genestealer Cults in a regular Kill Teams group that meets on Fridays at Showcase Comics in Swarthmore, PA. We're using the Heralds of Ruin rules, so the list options I have are a little different. The GSC have a special list that can be seen here...
I'm currently thinking about running a full blown Genestealer infestation. The Brood Prince is 40 points base with probably another 20 points worth of gear. That leaves ~190 points for dudes. I'm thinking 5 Purestrain Genestealers, 2x 5-man Neophyte Squads and maybe a Scout Sentinel. I'd have enough points left over for upgrades. I'm not entirely sure how I want to kit everything out, but that's the initial thought... mainly because I already have all those models. I have the Genestealers from the Space Hulk kit...
I'll have to futz with the bases, but I'm sure I can make this work. I'll probably put the Broodlord/Brood Prince on a 40mm base and all the others on 32mm bases. I think that will work. If nothing else, it'll be nice to have a reason to field these.
I have some boring Imperial Guard dudes, but I'll probably pick up the new Neophytes kit. It's a very cool looking kit and it'll mean the entire army is around $40 total.