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Monday, May 2, 2016

Iron Warriors - First Tyrant Siege Terminator Done

This past weekend was an eventful one.  I ended up spending a lot of time with friends and a lot of time sleeping.  I jacked up my shoulder, which kind of put a damper on a couple of things.  On Saturday, I couldn't raise my hand above my head.  Good times.  I'm better now, though.

One thing I did knock out was one of the Tyrant Siege Terminators.  As you might recall, the Cyclone Missile Launcher is from Anvil Industry.  They make top tier stuff.

Here he is with a couple of his friends.  It's kind of hard to see in the photo, what with the silver armor being kind of reflective, but I tried using weathering powder on his feet to make it look like he's been trudging through some dirty terrain.  It was my wife's suggestion.  It was a good one.

In terms of the paint scheme, here goes.  If I don't write it down, I'll forget all the steps.

  • Silver Armor: Leadbelcher base coat followed by a Nuln Oil wash.
  • Copper/Bronze bits: Rhinox Hide base coat followed by Balthasar Gold layering.
  • Guns: Dry brush of Dawnstone over the black primer coat.
  • Leather Straps: Skrag Brown base coat followed by an Agrax Earthshade wash and Deathclaw Brown edging.
  • Hazard Stripes: Abaddon Black base coat followed by Averland Sunset stripes.
  • Missiles: Mephiston Red base coat with a spot detail of Wild Rider Red.
  • Targeting Lenses: Sotek Green Base followed by subsequent layers of 50/50 Sotek Green/Temple Guard Blue, then Temple Guard Blue, then 50/50 Temple Guard Blue/White Scar with the "shine dot" being the same last 50/50 mix.
  • Bases: Rhinox Hide heavy  over brush followed by a dry brush of Zandri Dust and then a dry brush of Rakarth Flesh.  The rims are Khemri Brown.
  • Tufts: The Army Painter Swamp Tuft
  • Boot Dust: Tamiya Weather Master Light Sand...  the stuff below.  It's totally just matte makeup.  Sometimes it's cheaper to buy actual make up.  I bought a ton from the local dollar store and it works great.